discover secrets

of ballarat on an intriguing walking tour

ballarat slow travel tours

go on An slow travel Adventure in ballarat

& Discover inspiring tales, unique shops, art studios,

delicious eateries, and stunning scenery on the ballarat hidden lanes tours.

experience the ballarat

City tales & hidden lanes tour

your intriguing journey awaits!

Take an immersive slow travel journey to discover mysterious laneways, quirky local shops, and captivating hidden tales.

Take the Ballarat guided walking tour (weekend tours and on-demand Wednesday-Sunday for small groups) or the self-guided tour.

What’s the difference? They both include the same type of things, but the self-guided tour is designed for people who love big walks in a city and takes half to a full day. The guided tour is around 2 hrs and focuses on the intriguing tales of Ballarat.

“Myself and 2 girlfriends had a blast…

Will be back to explore further as more to see yet!

— Janita

A Beautifully curated,

inspiring slow travel

experience of inner ballarat

This tour is designed for adventurous souls to discover beautiful scenery, art, history and experience slow travel in Ballarat. Our Ballarat offerings:

Ballarat guided walking tour
Ballarat self-guided walking tour
Ballarat corporate team building
Ballarat art & culinary walking tour

highlights of the


self-guided tour

Love walking? The self-guided tour is designed for you to take in a city in all it’s glory! The journey focuses on hidden laneways, art galleries/studios, antique and local gift stores, quirky cafes and beautiful scenery.

It takes 3-5 hrs including stopping at our recommended spots.You can also pick and choose what you want to do - the main point is to slow down and enjoy the experience.

The self-guided tour runs Wednesdays-Saturdays between 10:30am to 4pm. It’s available to do all year round except for public holidays and the Summer school holidays when most businesses are closed. Want something with less walking and more chatting? Join the guided tours here.

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get the coffee table book

ballarat hidden lanes


This beautifully produced full colour interactive self-guided tour and guidebook is proudly local from start to finish - with layout by local designer Matthew Brown, and local printing business by Sovereign Press. This 100-page guidebook is now available at Visit Ballarat and the Ballarat Imaginarium for just $37 RRP. Or you can order the guidebook here.

Slow travel


meander along laneways


buy local produce


stop and take photos


soak in the scenery


Slow travel 〰️ meander along laneways 〰️ buy local produce 〰️ stop and take photos 〰️ soak in the scenery 〰️

Slow Travel Inspired by


Jeju Island

Jarrod and Emma Hall, Hidden Lanes creators spent 9 years in South Korea, and during that time created video content and a slow travel guide to Korea’s Jeju Island. The journey was a walking or cycling route that included beautiful scenery, funky cafes, art galleries and nature. They made a film about the journey, that was featured in the Korean Expat Film Festival and World Bicycle Film Festival. They were inspired to make something similar for Ballarat and other slow travel vibe places in the world!


the ballarat hidden lanes collection

to remember your journey forever

thanks to our sponsors

With thanks to historians Dr. David Waldron and Doug Bradbury. This guidebook was developed on the Country of the Wadawurrung who have performed age old cultural ceremonies, celebrations and traditions here for thousands of years. We would like to acknowledge and pay our respects to the Elders past and present. • This project was made possible by the Australian Government's Regional Arts Fund, which supports the arts in regional and remote Australia.