Korean Rooftop's Top 10 Photos of 2013

By Jarrod HallThe new year is a great time to reflect on the year gone by and contemplate what's been achieved.This time last year we still lived in Daejeon in central South Korea. As well as teaching English in a local university, we worked for NTD Television World News as news contributors. In February, after 4 years living in the quiet city of Daejeon, we moved to Seoul to be closer to events going on.   Then we received an email from our supervisor at NTD, announcing restructuring. They would shut down most of NTD’s English language news teams around the world (for now)… including ours.We did some soul-searching and reached the conclusion that we wanted to continue. We still wanted to make films about the people and places that fascinated us here in South Korea and use the skills and knowledge we had accrued. Korean Rooftop was born.It’s been an awfully interesting experience with some steep learning curves and some unexpected turns. We’ve had some great experiences and trying times, too.  To celebrate we thought we'd share our 10 favorite photos from our travels in 2013.  The photos start with the beautiful snow vista of Gyeryongsan National Park near Daejeon, then to the reopening of the City Gate in Seoul, the Seoul Lotus Lantern Festival, discovering the Han River and parks in Seoul, going to Jeju Island for 2 weeks on a bike ride, and the many visits to the DMZ in winter. Thanks so much for reading, liking and sharing our stories and we look forward to sharing the journey with you in 2014!  Happy New Year!

Photography by Jarrod Hall


Jeju Island Poet: Read it, Feel it, Someday


Visiting the Korean DMZ in Winter